The International Trauma Studies Program's past programs:

ITSP/Bilgi University, Istanbul Certificate Program in International Trauma Studies
Fall 2012 - Summer 2013

Training Programs in International Trauma Studies
Advanced Seminar in International Trauma Studies
Seminar and Performance Workshop in New York City

Past Training Programs in International Trauma Studies
Provides professional training in trauma theory, intervention and prevention.

•  Refuge: Refugee Community Resource Center
Projects that promote the resilience, mental health and social integration of individuals and families in communities that have endured massive psychosocial trauma – war, torture, state terrorism, genocide, and political exile.

•  Disaster Preparedness and Response
The Downtown Community Resource Center supports and facilitates the efforts of those living and working in lower Manhattan to rebuild and revitalize their communities in the aftermath of 9/11.

•  International Collaborations
Partnering with local universities and communities, NGO’s, and international networks to support community based mental health projects that build on local capacity.

•  Theater Arts Against Political Violence
A community arts project using theatrical performance to provide a public space for testimony, witnessing, and conversation.

© Tom Stoddart